So I am a bit addicted to Pinterest as many of you can relate. Recipes tend to be the number one thing I think most of us pin often "hoping" to go back and try them out. I have made a point to actually try out some of these recipes and will plan to update my opinion on the ones I try. Today I tried a couple of food items that turned out really well. I am also including the links to them so that you can easily find them. I will try to use this post to continue to update additional meals I have tried so everything is kept in a fairly neat and organized place.
Crock Pot Lasagna
This meal was very good. I put the prep work together the night before and it was very easy and very quick to put it all together. In this recipe I browned the ground beef with a little garlic, oregano and basil. Then added the Food Lion brand of traditional pasta sauce that comes in a can (one of our favorites and very inexpensive). I stored this in the refrigerator over night. I also put together the cottage cheese and mozzarella cheese and stored them in a separate container in the refrigerator.
When I got up the next morning, I was able to get all of this in the crock pot in literally 5 minutes, layering the meat mixture (I did not spray down my crock pot first as the recipe recommends), the dried lasagna noodles and then the cheese mixture and doing this one more time finishing with a top layer of meat sauce. I put the crock pot on high while I got myself ready for church and just before I left I turned it down to low (although I meant to just turn it to warm which would have worked just as well if not better). When we got home this meal was actually already completely cooked and could have been eaten, however I turned it down to warm and we had it for dinner. This meal was a winner! I am often very short on time and not only was it quick to make, the clean up afterwards was also pretty simple. This will certainly be on my "will do again" list.
1-2-3 Cake
Of course, by nightfall a little sweet tooth tends to develop, however, trying to keep the calories low can be a bit difficult. After I put my kids to bed, the sweet tooth set in and I couldn't resist trying another recipe found on Pinterest. This one for 1-2-3 cake.
This cake simply is made from a box of Angel Food cake mix (has to be angel food) and any other type of cake mix plus a little water. Basically you mix the two boxes of mix together to create the base of your mix. You then take the new mix, add a little water, mix to moisten (but not too much) and cook in the microwave for one minute.
For mine I had on hand the angel food cake and yellow cake. I put all the ingredients in a mug and mixed as directed above then dropped 3 hershey kisses to sweeten it up just a bit. The caked turned out perfect and easily fell out of the mug when turned upside down. The texture was a cross between the Angel Food cake and regular cake. As an extra note the kisses did not really melt in this but it still seemed to be a very nice addition to this cake. If you had a container of frosting or wanted to mix your own by taking a little powdered sugar, plus cocoa powder, a touch of melted butter, a dash of vanilla and a drop or two of milk then mix together you can use that to frost as well, but if you are watching calories or sugar intake you could skip all together.
After trying this recipe I was very impressed and I like this better than the mug cake that seemed to make it around the internet a while back. The mug cake is a bit heavier and you have more ingredients to pull out to make it and seems a bit more of a hassle. I also found it difficult to clean the mug afterwards which I did not find true of this recipe for the 1-2-3 cake. I do think this recipe is a must try for anyone who wants to take the edge off of their sweet tooth but doesn't want the hassle of going to the lengths of baking.
Quinoa Mac and Cheese
I love quinoa and usually cook it up then add saute'd veggies in olive oil such as green pepper, onion and carrots. Even my kids enjoy quinoa when I prepare it. This recipe caught my eye because cheese seems to make anything taste even better! After trying this recipe several weeks ago it was really good but it would be more of something I would make as a side dish. It had pretty good flavor but it was more of a 4 recipe instead of a 5 if you were to rate it on a scale of a 1-5. I did encourage my kids to try it and they were not as fond, however this is more of a baked quinoa and cheese and my kids are not very fond of even macaroni and cheese. It is a recipe that is at least worth giving a try as I think this one is more based on what your tastes are. This recipe could also be modified and you could even make it using a traditional macaroni and cheese style which may be more appealing to some. This is one of those recipes that is what I would consider a more "upscale recipe" so if your family is more of a traditional meat and potatoes family that tends to stick with the same similar type foods then this may not be for you, but if you are less of a picky eater and enjoy venturing out this may be one you will enjoy.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Everything in 3's
It's been said that bad things come in 3's and for my sake, I sure hope so and nothing more. As I am trying to keep things in balance I am finding that things are becoming more primitive around here and not necessarily by choice. Within the past month or so we have been without an oven due to a part that needs repaired that we have yet to purchase, we also had to recently replace our over the stove microwave and today discovered that our dishwasher needs a part replaced.
Due to our oven going out, cooking has gotten much more creative and I am striving to better plan ahead. We have not been able to toss in a quick frozen or homemade pizza when we can't decide what else to fix. Going through this process hasn't been so bad however. I have found that when you don't have an oven that it is much more difficult to fix the junk foods we love....yes we could still microwave some of them but it just doesn't taste the same and I prefer not to use the microwave that often if I can help it. Surprisingly, since our oven has been out of commission, our meals have become much healthier and the crock-pot is being used several times a week. In fact, Saturday I am going to try a crock-pot lasagna recipe and am really looking forward to seeing how it may turn out. Since spring is here we also can grill vegetables and hamburgers, which we are having tomorrow. Yum!
Now that I have been creative enough to come up with cooking solutions around the broken oven, I guess I need to figure out how to get the dishes washed.....Ah, I think I have the perfect solution for that too! I do in fact have a couple of dishwashers that can help with that by way of a son and a daughter. :)
Due to our oven going out, cooking has gotten much more creative and I am striving to better plan ahead. We have not been able to toss in a quick frozen or homemade pizza when we can't decide what else to fix. Going through this process hasn't been so bad however. I have found that when you don't have an oven that it is much more difficult to fix the junk foods we love....yes we could still microwave some of them but it just doesn't taste the same and I prefer not to use the microwave that often if I can help it. Surprisingly, since our oven has been out of commission, our meals have become much healthier and the crock-pot is being used several times a week. In fact, Saturday I am going to try a crock-pot lasagna recipe and am really looking forward to seeing how it may turn out. Since spring is here we also can grill vegetables and hamburgers, which we are having tomorrow. Yum!
Now that I have been creative enough to come up with cooking solutions around the broken oven, I guess I need to figure out how to get the dishes washed.....Ah, I think I have the perfect solution for that too! I do in fact have a couple of dishwashers that can help with that by way of a son and a daughter. :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Simple Homemade Laundry Detergent
Being a saver and a couponer I was saving up my $2 laundry detergent coupons and then having to wait until the laundry soap was on sale and try to stock up as much as I could. I tried to not pay more than $2 for a 32 load bottle however, this was such a pain in my very busy schedule.
Not long ago I decided to try a homemade laundry detergent. I had heard that users liked it equal to and/or better than the leading name brand detergent. I just HAD to give it a try. One thing I was a little skeptical about was how little detergent was needed...just 1-2 TBS. As it turns out, many of the products we purchase at the store contain unnecessary fillers so we end up needing more of it.
So I decided to make up a batch of this homemade detergent and was blown away by the first load. My daughter had a red shirt that came out so brilliant! I didn't even know that our clothes had become dull in the first place! She and I looked at this beautiful, vibrant color and we became convinced that this stuff really does work.
Another thing about this detergent is that my husband has super sensitive skin so I have to be careful with what I use or it burns his skin. I have a friend that I shared some of this with who is even more sensitive than my husband...neither had a reaction which was great news! It washes out completely and everything just has a fresh smell.
It has now been about 4 months since I made my first batch and I'm down to about 2 weeks worth left. I also realized I had given away about 2 weeks worth so, in all, this detergent would have lasted me nearly 5 months. So last night the hubby and I went to purchase ingredients to make more. The cost? Just $12! I usually do at least 2 loads of laundry a day on average, sometimes more but rarely less. And I use 2 TBS per load. So if you were working on being extra frugal and your loads aren't all that dirty you could really stretch it out by just using 1 TBS in each load.
After recently sharing my results, I have been asked by a number of my friends to please send them the recipe. I decided it will be so much easier just to post it here so anyone can find it at anytime.
4 lb 12 oz box Borax (2.15 kg or 76 oz)
4 lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (1.81 kg)
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55 oz (3 lb 7 oz)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha soap (pink Zote soap, octagon or any other bar laundry soap...I have heard you can also use Ivory but I have yet to determine if this is regular ivory bar soap or if there is a laundry bar soap that may be different)
*Updated: In regards to Ivory Soap being used. I have tried to research this and it does not appear that Ivory makes a bar soap for the laundry. It is likely that those using Ivory are using the original bar bath soap for this. If you are sensitive to smell, this may be a good choice since the Fels-Naptha does have a moderate scent; however I have not personally tried it to know what kind of results you will experience. If you decide to try it, I would love for you to post a comment to share your results. :)
*You can also add 3.5 lbs of oxy clean if you would like, however I did not since it is so expensive. I figured if I needed it I could purchase it and just add a little to extra dirty loads. I have not seen that this is a necessary ingredient. Please note: If you use oxy clean in your detergent it is not recommended to mix with bleach.
All of the above ingredients were found very close together at our local super center laundry isle. So you should not need to track them down once you know what you are looking for.
So next you will need a 4-5 gallon container for mixing all of these ingredients in. You want something large enough so you aren't dumping it out as you are mixing. I actually store mine in one of those super large barrel pretzel containers. I'll post a picture of that when I get a chance.
Now for the easy part.... you will want to dump all of your box ingredients into the container. Then take the bar soap you are using and you can either grate on a cheese grater (if you want to do it the slow way) or you can take your soap, chop it into small chunks and throw it into a food processor. This will chop it up into very fine little balls of soap. You might also want to add a teaspoon or 2 of some of the powder from the other ingredients to help the soap breakdown more easily in the food processor if your soap doesn't seem to process well. Once the soap has been grated/processed, just toss it in with the other ingredients and mix well. You are now ready to do laundry with your own homemade laundry detergent!!
I do use this in cold water and have never had a problem with residue. It dissolves completely. It can also be used in an HE machine since it does not create suds, but you would want to add it to the barrel of the machine and not the dispenser.
Not long ago I decided to try a homemade laundry detergent. I had heard that users liked it equal to and/or better than the leading name brand detergent. I just HAD to give it a try. One thing I was a little skeptical about was how little detergent was needed...just 1-2 TBS. As it turns out, many of the products we purchase at the store contain unnecessary fillers so we end up needing more of it.
So I decided to make up a batch of this homemade detergent and was blown away by the first load. My daughter had a red shirt that came out so brilliant! I didn't even know that our clothes had become dull in the first place! She and I looked at this beautiful, vibrant color and we became convinced that this stuff really does work.
Another thing about this detergent is that my husband has super sensitive skin so I have to be careful with what I use or it burns his skin. I have a friend that I shared some of this with who is even more sensitive than my husband...neither had a reaction which was great news! It washes out completely and everything just has a fresh smell.
It has now been about 4 months since I made my first batch and I'm down to about 2 weeks worth left. I also realized I had given away about 2 weeks worth so, in all, this detergent would have lasted me nearly 5 months. So last night the hubby and I went to purchase ingredients to make more. The cost? Just $12! I usually do at least 2 loads of laundry a day on average, sometimes more but rarely less. And I use 2 TBS per load. So if you were working on being extra frugal and your loads aren't all that dirty you could really stretch it out by just using 1 TBS in each load.
After recently sharing my results, I have been asked by a number of my friends to please send them the recipe. I decided it will be so much easier just to post it here so anyone can find it at anytime.
4 lb 12 oz box Borax (2.15 kg or 76 oz)
4 lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (1.81 kg)
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55 oz (3 lb 7 oz)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha soap (pink Zote soap, octagon or any other bar laundry soap...I have heard you can also use Ivory but I have yet to determine if this is regular ivory bar soap or if there is a laundry bar soap that may be different)
*Updated: In regards to Ivory Soap being used. I have tried to research this and it does not appear that Ivory makes a bar soap for the laundry. It is likely that those using Ivory are using the original bar bath soap for this. If you are sensitive to smell, this may be a good choice since the Fels-Naptha does have a moderate scent; however I have not personally tried it to know what kind of results you will experience. If you decide to try it, I would love for you to post a comment to share your results. :)
*You can also add 3.5 lbs of oxy clean if you would like, however I did not since it is so expensive. I figured if I needed it I could purchase it and just add a little to extra dirty loads. I have not seen that this is a necessary ingredient. Please note: If you use oxy clean in your detergent it is not recommended to mix with bleach.
All of the above ingredients were found very close together at our local super center laundry isle. So you should not need to track them down once you know what you are looking for.
So next you will need a 4-5 gallon container for mixing all of these ingredients in. You want something large enough so you aren't dumping it out as you are mixing. I actually store mine in one of those super large barrel pretzel containers. I'll post a picture of that when I get a chance.
Now for the easy part.... you will want to dump all of your box ingredients into the container. Then take the bar soap you are using and you can either grate on a cheese grater (if you want to do it the slow way) or you can take your soap, chop it into small chunks and throw it into a food processor. This will chop it up into very fine little balls of soap. You might also want to add a teaspoon or 2 of some of the powder from the other ingredients to help the soap breakdown more easily in the food processor if your soap doesn't seem to process well. Once the soap has been grated/processed, just toss it in with the other ingredients and mix well. You are now ready to do laundry with your own homemade laundry detergent!!
The more finely you chop the easier it will be for it to process.
It should look like tiny little balls of soap.
I included my glasses to provide more of an idea of the size of this jar. This was a jar of pretzels that has been re-purposed. As you can see it makes quite a bit of laundry soap.
Overall, as mentioned before, I usually do 2 loads of laundry a day and I use to purchase at least two 32 load jugs of laundry detergent a month which the cheap stuff at regular price is around $6 for one 32 load jug. So for the same price I can get 5 times as many months! A savings of $48!
I do use this in cold water and have never had a problem with residue. It dissolves completely. It can also be used in an HE machine since it does not create suds, but you would want to add it to the barrel of the machine and not the dispenser.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Staycations vs Vacations
Spring is nearly here and the trees have begun blossoming, birds are migrating north, and the glimpses of warm weather are approaching. Spring is my favorite time of the year, and would be absolutely perfect if the allergies didn't get in my way of fully enjoying it.
The closer spring gets, and knowing summer won't be too far away, I often think about just getting away. Remembering those times when you can just go somewhere, sit back with a nice cup of hot tea and enjoy the scenery around me. I'm sure many of you have those pleasurable memories as well. Wouldn't it be great to live in a place that you could enjoy year round?
Since vacations are expensive and not something our family has the money in the budget to do, we try to create a staycation that will last longer than a week away somewhere. Instead of putting away money for a one week vacation we put money aside to create something more long lasting. We love spending time outside, so our goal is to create an escape just outside our backdoor that we can enjoy nearly every day. The money goes so much further this way and is enjoyed for a much longer period of time. It's been so long since we have actually taken a vacation I honestly don't know how much the average family of 4 spends on one, but I can image by the time you include gas, hotel stays, eating out and entertainment, that for a one week I would estimate that you would be looking at around $1500 at a minimum. I would much rather take that kind of money and put it towards something I can enjoy all summer long or longer. Each year slowly adding to create additional beauty.
My husband and I really enjoy sitting outside in the evenings after a long day working. We invested in a screened in gazebo which we have enjoyed sitting under night after night during warm weather. We sit and have our dinner outside together and enjoy good conversation. It is so relaxing and really helps us feel recharged. It helps us be more connected with each other which may be why we are still best friends after 14 years. I'm looking forward to doing a little more this summer with getting my garden back into shape after the dullness of winter.
Our garden after it was first put together. It's expanding little by little and I will post another newer pic once a few more things are in bloom. We have since added a few additional plants so it is getting prettier.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lunch Ideas for Kids
This weekend while sorting through a pile of papers I discovered a lunch idea list I used for my kids one summer during their summer day camp. Since pre-packaged meals are so expensive and that tends to be what my kids wanted I decided to just make my own. The kids actually enjoyed the homemade versions as much as they did the prepackaged ones. It can be so difficult to find a good variety of foods kids will actually eat so I thought I'd share a few of them here.
- Homemade Lunchable®
- Favorite Lunchmeat cut into squares, triangles or other desired shapes
- American cheese folded in half then folded in 6 cheese pieces per slice
- Crackers of your choice
- Homemade Pizza
- Pita bread sliced into desired shape
- Pasta sauce put into small container with spoon*
- mozzarella cheese
- pepperoni
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches with a thin spreading of peanut butter on each slice of bread so the jelly doesn't soak into the bread
- Nachos
- Tortilla chips
- Cheese dip in a small container.
- Turkey or Chicken salad wraps
- Homemade chicken salad (mix chicken, mayo, chopped apples or grapes and a little garlic and onion powder)
- Flour tortillas
- wrap chicken salad into wrap and add lettuce or tomato if desired
- Pizza wraps
- mozzarella cheese and pizza or pasta sauce wrapped into a flour tortilla
I also would include a snack as well such as:
- Fruit: watermelon, grapes, fruit cup, mandarin oranges, apples, cantaloupe, etc
- Pretzels (to save, buy a large bag and split into small bags)
- Cheese cubed (buying blocks and cubing will save money)
- Pudding (can be homemade to save!)
- Goldfish crackers
- Carrots and Ranch
- Granola bar
- Raisins
Monday, March 5, 2012
Murphy's Law
I really don't have much time today but wanted to just share a little about the accomplishments I made..or didn't make today. I finally took the time to look over my budget to see how we were chugging along. Well, like the rest of the country, making ends meet when gas prices have skyrocketed is becoming more and more of a challenge.
Not to mention, my oven has broken and the part we "think" has gone bad will cost close to $100. So I have been creating meals that do not require the use of an oven until I get a chance to purchase the part...surprisingly, our meals have become a lot healthier by cooking on the stove top. Our hot water heater is on the verge of dying (actually it has been "on the verge" since we moved in over 3 yrs ago but is still kicking thankfully), our dishwasher spin arm is beginning to hang and we end up with some very clean dishes on certain sides and some not so clean on other sides, and we have a cat who has had constant vet bills over the past 2 years with no clear diagnosis to what is wrong with her. Oh, I almost forgot to mention our 13 yr old car pretty much is to the point that it is getting us from point A to point B, but not much further (not to mention we've not had air conditioning for nearly 6 yrs in it which isn't so bad til the Carolina Summer hits).
Now, the above is not meant to complain but just point out that something is bound to happen within that mess. Murphy's law is trying to come on strong but that is when I realize how thankful I am that we at least have paid everything off (everything except the house which we are paying a little extra on every month). We aren't going out and making super crazy purchases (although I'm sure we could still be a little more cautious at times), we rarely eat out and we almost never go to the movies (thank you, netflix, for a little movie entertainment!) We still don't have our emergency fund fully funded but it is funded well enough to get us by on some minor issues. I'd like to be able to see us get that baby fully funded more quickly but as most anyone knows, it seems like in life we get two steps ahead only to take a step back. I'm seeing our budget doesn't have much room for tweeking at this point. We have a little "play" room but anything just over a minor incident is going to hurt. I guess I will be looking over the budget a little more and see what we can do to simplify a few more things.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Oh the Chocolate
Through the years we slowly have picked up triggers that seem to aggravate my son's ADHD and chocolate is one of them. It seems that chocolate does have a stimulating effect and not necessarily in the hyperactivity as you would think, but it seems to just turn his brain on just a little more. I guess you would think this could be a good thing, but trust me it isn't....particularly when given later in the day. Chocolate stimulates his mind in such a way that as it gets close to bedtime, he becomes naturally exhausted, but his brain doesn't want to shut down. So, instead of sleeping he ends up staring at the ceiling for quite some time. Now, sleep is something that is incredibly important for a child who suffers with this condition. The less sleep, the more agitated they become and the more difficult life becomes for those around them.
While we know what chocolate will do, from time to time we choose to "chance" it again. To see if we get the same result,and sadly without fail we always do. Then we just want to kick ourselves the next day as to why did we try this again. Last night was one of those times. My husband decided to get the kids a special treat from the store and brought home little slices of chocolate pie w/ a chocolate pie crust. We discussed the concerns knowing full well what we were getting ourselves into, however we just "hoped" it wouldn't affect him too badly today. Well, again, it appears that my son may not have rested well. This morning he was not in the best of moods and was a bit aggressive in his attitude. This is where we have to remind ourselves that we have to stay calm and collected because the natural tendency is to become aggressive back and begin raising our voices to let him know that he is not acting appropriately..... during these times, it can be difficult to remember to keep our own cool. We have found however, that when we take a much more calm approach, while it may not fully fizzle out the episode, it does help prevent it from escalating further. Needless to say, I don't suspect we will be giving him chocolate in the evening again anytime soon.
For those of you who may also be looking for extra tips to help your add/adhd child get better sleep, we turn on a white noise (I think we have it on a running stream sound) for our son nightly, which helps tremendously. We found ours at Walmart for around $15.
While we know what chocolate will do, from time to time we choose to "chance" it again. To see if we get the same result,and sadly without fail we always do. Then we just want to kick ourselves the next day as to why did we try this again. Last night was one of those times. My husband decided to get the kids a special treat from the store and brought home little slices of chocolate pie w/ a chocolate pie crust. We discussed the concerns knowing full well what we were getting ourselves into, however we just "hoped" it wouldn't affect him too badly today. Well, again, it appears that my son may not have rested well. This morning he was not in the best of moods and was a bit aggressive in his attitude. This is where we have to remind ourselves that we have to stay calm and collected because the natural tendency is to become aggressive back and begin raising our voices to let him know that he is not acting appropriately..... during these times, it can be difficult to remember to keep our own cool. We have found however, that when we take a much more calm approach, while it may not fully fizzle out the episode, it does help prevent it from escalating further. Needless to say, I don't suspect we will be giving him chocolate in the evening again anytime soon.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Coupon Savings
Pin It
So I have a very busy life and again finding the balance in even the simple things, like saving money in purchases is very important. I wish I could say that I save money like this every time I go shopping, however I would end up cutting into some very important things such as sleep and having a little downtime with my family. In fact, posting this has energized me again to want to go crazy for some really great deals! I do try to take time to push hard with the coupon thing every few months to at least try to stock up on the very expensive items that we use, but this is not something I have time to do on a weekly basis.
I have come to find that if you want to coupon well, it really becomes a dedicated part time job, so for those of you who have a little extra time for a part time job this would be a great way to supplement your income without having to go out and actually get a part time job. When I first started cutting coupons I was so excited about "free" stuff that I spent time clipping every single coupon I found. I have since learned that my time is also worth something, so now I cut coupons strategically. I only cut the ones that I know we will use. I really don't have time to sort through everything like I would like to do. I now just use a few websites to see where the deals are with the coupons I have. I'm still getting great deals since I'm not paying full price; in fact I'm buying items on sale AND using coupons, and again only purchasing what I need or know will get used.
I actually have a last weeks coupons still un-clipped sitting on my coffee table and will probably just wait until Sunday to clip them with this weeks new ones. I keep them all organized in alphabetical order in a big binder filled with baseball card sleeves. This really helps to quickly find the coupons I'm looking for. I've kicked myself a few times when I've spontaneously gone into the grocery store for an item or two and left my binder either at home or in the care because without fail there is an awesome unadvertised deal or the items I was purchasing were on sale in a name brand that I had a coupon for.
I still have a long way to go to do this well, but knowing how much inflation we have seen recently saving anywhere can make a big difference. I will soon discuss a little more in detail about some of the great dealsI have gotten and how I got them. Thanks again for stopping by.
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Drugstore trip: original total= $37.60 but only paid $6.27 after coupons |
So I have a very busy life and again finding the balance in even the simple things, like saving money in purchases is very important. I wish I could say that I save money like this every time I go shopping, however I would end up cutting into some very important things such as sleep and having a little downtime with my family. In fact, posting this has energized me again to want to go crazy for some really great deals! I do try to take time to push hard with the coupon thing every few months to at least try to stock up on the very expensive items that we use, but this is not something I have time to do on a weekly basis.
I have come to find that if you want to coupon well, it really becomes a dedicated part time job, so for those of you who have a little extra time for a part time job this would be a great way to supplement your income without having to go out and actually get a part time job. When I first started cutting coupons I was so excited about "free" stuff that I spent time clipping every single coupon I found. I have since learned that my time is also worth something, so now I cut coupons strategically. I only cut the ones that I know we will use. I really don't have time to sort through everything like I would like to do. I now just use a few websites to see where the deals are with the coupons I have. I'm still getting great deals since I'm not paying full price; in fact I'm buying items on sale AND using coupons, and again only purchasing what I need or know will get used.
I actually have a last weeks coupons still un-clipped sitting on my coffee table and will probably just wait until Sunday to clip them with this weeks new ones. I keep them all organized in alphabetical order in a big binder filled with baseball card sleeves. This really helps to quickly find the coupons I'm looking for. I've kicked myself a few times when I've spontaneously gone into the grocery store for an item or two and left my binder either at home or in the care because without fail there is an awesome unadvertised deal or the items I was purchasing were on sale in a name brand that I had a coupon for.
I still have a long way to go to do this well, but knowing how much inflation we have seen recently saving anywhere can make a big difference. I will soon discuss a little more in detail about some of the great dealsI have gotten and how I got them. Thanks again for stopping by.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
My Typical Day
We often find ourselves so busy that we hardly have time to to regroup. Today has been one of those kinds of crazy busy days. I am fortunate that I work from home and have a little bit of flexibility in my 8 hour work day. Many people think of those who work from home have it made; don't get me wrong, it does have some fabulous perks, but it has many of the same challenges that having a job in a brick and mortar has.
My typical day is getting up around 6:30 so I can rush out the door by 7. The bus doesn't stop by our house so I have to drive 10 minutes to take my kids to the bus hub. I drop them off and for the past 2 months have made the decision that while I'm already out, there is no reason that I shouldn't stop at the nearby gym for about 25 minutes. Over the years I haven't been so good to myself, between working and caring for my family, I have neglected to take care of myself, which many of you, I am sure, can relate. And, while I am not necessarily considered "over weight" I was moving up on the scales closer and closer to that point. Worse, I could tell that I was losing muscle tone and was beginning to have a constant feeling of weariness.
Initially, the gym was a little intimidating being so out of shape and not having the stamina to really push myself. As I've gotten older I've also started recognizing that I am an "all or nothing personality"; so I would have a tendency to work out, push myself to my extreme because "I was gonna do it this time!" only to discover I hurt so bad the next day I never wanted to do it again. This time, however, I took a different approach. I decided, okay, I have about 25 minutes...I can either push myself like I always do, and then not come back for 3 months, or I can make this a daily healthy habit and part of my routine and not focus as much on weight or muscle tone (although, I have to admit it is still on my mind) and just be consistent for once and it just be "what I do".
After my work out, I immediately walk out the door of the gym and rush right home so I can get started working by 8. One of the perks working from home is that no one else has to look at me or smell me if I don't shower right away...I know, eww gross...but hey, I am saving up my time so I can be finished working early enough to spend family time in the evenings. Often my shower comes just a few hours later. I take a 30 min lunch break, jump in the shower and then throw something together so I can eat while I'm working. If I haven't taken too long of a shower, I might just have time to throw in a quick load of laundry. Fortunately, most days I am finished with my "day" job by 4:30 or 5. Then it's time to be mom.
So now what to fix for dinner? I really try to plan ahead of time but it doesn't always work out as well as I'd like. I will post more about meals and meal planning in another thread as that is a complete topic of its own! By the time dinner is done it's time to clean up and do dishes, if I haven't already thrown that load of laundry in the dryer, I will do that and if there is another load to throw in, I will do that as well. Usually my hubby and I then have a few minutes of down time while the kids are doing homework and showers.
Since this blog is really about finding balance, you may be wondering...where is the balance in all of that craziness? Well, I have found over the past couple of months going to the gym is actually creating more time and making me feel good...I feel energized and am able to accomplish more through the day and I'm in a better mood. By evening I spend quality time with my family, particularly my husband as we discuss our days and what we are going to be doing for the week with our youth group....oh yeah, I didn't mention that we also are youth pastors... but that is DEFINITELY a topic for another day. :)
So that is a general run down of my busy weekdays. Surprisingly, I still am in bed by 10 or 10:30 on most nights. Sleep is another area in which is important to have balance in your life. Sleep helps you feel rested enough to take on the next day. It also helps prevent illness and I have no time to be sick! So I do what I can to get as close to 8 hours as possible.
Well, speaking of spending quality time with family, that is exactly what I am going to do now. Keep checking back as I have so much more to share! Thanks for stopping by. :)
My typical day is getting up around 6:30 so I can rush out the door by 7. The bus doesn't stop by our house so I have to drive 10 minutes to take my kids to the bus hub. I drop them off and for the past 2 months have made the decision that while I'm already out, there is no reason that I shouldn't stop at the nearby gym for about 25 minutes. Over the years I haven't been so good to myself, between working and caring for my family, I have neglected to take care of myself, which many of you, I am sure, can relate. And, while I am not necessarily considered "over weight" I was moving up on the scales closer and closer to that point. Worse, I could tell that I was losing muscle tone and was beginning to have a constant feeling of weariness.
Initially, the gym was a little intimidating being so out of shape and not having the stamina to really push myself. As I've gotten older I've also started recognizing that I am an "all or nothing personality"; so I would have a tendency to work out, push myself to my extreme because "I was gonna do it this time!" only to discover I hurt so bad the next day I never wanted to do it again. This time, however, I took a different approach. I decided, okay, I have about 25 minutes...I can either push myself like I always do, and then not come back for 3 months, or I can make this a daily healthy habit and part of my routine and not focus as much on weight or muscle tone (although, I have to admit it is still on my mind) and just be consistent for once and it just be "what I do".
After my work out, I immediately walk out the door of the gym and rush right home so I can get started working by 8. One of the perks working from home is that no one else has to look at me or smell me if I don't shower right away...I know, eww gross...but hey, I am saving up my time so I can be finished working early enough to spend family time in the evenings. Often my shower comes just a few hours later. I take a 30 min lunch break, jump in the shower and then throw something together so I can eat while I'm working. If I haven't taken too long of a shower, I might just have time to throw in a quick load of laundry. Fortunately, most days I am finished with my "day" job by 4:30 or 5. Then it's time to be mom.
So now what to fix for dinner? I really try to plan ahead of time but it doesn't always work out as well as I'd like. I will post more about meals and meal planning in another thread as that is a complete topic of its own! By the time dinner is done it's time to clean up and do dishes, if I haven't already thrown that load of laundry in the dryer, I will do that and if there is another load to throw in, I will do that as well. Usually my hubby and I then have a few minutes of down time while the kids are doing homework and showers.
Since this blog is really about finding balance, you may be wondering...where is the balance in all of that craziness? Well, I have found over the past couple of months going to the gym is actually creating more time and making me feel good...I feel energized and am able to accomplish more through the day and I'm in a better mood. By evening I spend quality time with my family, particularly my husband as we discuss our days and what we are going to be doing for the week with our youth group....oh yeah, I didn't mention that we also are youth pastors... but that is DEFINITELY a topic for another day. :)
So that is a general run down of my busy weekdays. Surprisingly, I still am in bed by 10 or 10:30 on most nights. Sleep is another area in which is important to have balance in your life. Sleep helps you feel rested enough to take on the next day. It also helps prevent illness and I have no time to be sick! So I do what I can to get as close to 8 hours as possible.
Well, speaking of spending quality time with family, that is exactly what I am going to do now. Keep checking back as I have so much more to share! Thanks for stopping by. :)
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